The older a saree gets, more dear it becomes to you. And if you are a one who has a wide collection of saree’s then we can totally understand how desperate the situation becomes toContinue reading
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5 Ways To Pep up your Walls and Interiors with Indian Art
When it comes to wall decoration, the most common and the easiest solution most of us come up with is to use the readymade wallpapers. But how about trying different painting styles from our ownContinue reading
4 Beautiful Ways To Use Buddha Statue For Home Decor
When it comes to home decor, one thing which surely finds a way to every home is a statue of lord Buddha. The calmness and a smile on the face of the statue is enoughContinue reading
5 Ways To Decorate Home With Eco Friendly Diya’s On Diwali
Diya made of clay or mitti are the purest form of lights you can bring home on Diwali. They are eco friendly plus buying them helps the local potters. But using them just plain isContinue reading
12 Tips For A Cleaner Home This Diwali
Diwali is just a week away from now, and cleaning a home is the greatest task for most of us nowadays. Therefore here is a checklist which will help you to complete this task perfectlyContinue reading
9 Everyday Life Hacks Which Are Possible With A Toothpaste
Toothpaste is one general stuff which is available in each and every house. But do you know that it’s not just meant for your teeth but there’s more to it. Here are a few usefulContinue reading
6 Ways To Use Zebrina Plant For Home Decor
Tradescantia Zebrina is one plant which not only looks wonderful but is also very easy to grow and within no time it grows and spreads well. The combination of green and purple color on itsContinue reading
5 Ways To Revamp Your Old Pooja Space or Mandir
Every Indian Hindu home does have a special place which is dedicated to offer the daily prayers to the God. We all call this special place pooja, now some have larger spaces and some haveContinue reading
Create Hedge Landscape With Snake Plant
Known as the Snake plant or the Mother in law’s tongue, this very beautiful plant has a texture which makes it a complete thing for decorative purposes. Snake plant exchanges oxygen and carbon di-oxide andContinue reading
Pep Up The Entrance To The Rooms With These Interesting Decor Ideas
So we all pay attention to how the entrance of the house or the interiors of the home should be, but have you ever seen someone being serious about how an entrance to the roomsContinue reading
6 Ways To Decorate Home With Real Leaves And Candles
Decorating with natural things brings in a life to the home. And though this can’t be done everyday, but how about making few special occasions more special by taking inspiration from these ideas. Real leavesContinue reading
Nature Inspired Furniture With Live Plants
Though picking up a suitable furniture for home is a personal choice but how about making it the natural way. Nature inspired furniture are in vogue right now and why not, they look so prettyContinue reading
5 Indoor Plants For Beginners
Plants when kept indoors add a new life to the dull spaces. You can put them in your living area to brighten up the empty corners, or jazz up an empty window by placing colorfulContinue reading
4 Compelling Ways To Use Earthen Pots At Home
We all know the benefits of using earthen pots or utensils in our daily lives. But do you know that there are so many other ways how we can use them, the best would beContinue reading
Last Minute Christmas Decor Ideas
Wishing everyone Merry Christmas and a day filled with happiness and warmth. Though most of you had already made your plans as how to spend the day, but there might be few of us whoContinue reading