6 Ways To Decorate Home With Real Leaves And Candles

Decorating with natural things brings in a life to the home. And though this can’t be done everyday, but how about making few special occasions more special by taking inspiration from these ideas. Real leaves and candles when put together have endless opportunities, and how you want to use them is upto you. Here are a few ideas for you….

-Stripes of long leaves like those of banana leaves can be used with a glass filled with water. Arrange glasses of different shapes and sizes and arrange one stripe of the leaf like this. Do not worry about the pattern, just do it randomly without worrying about the way you are doing it. Add water and float candles on the top.

-Now banana leaf is so versatile that it can be used in so many ways for decoration, especially when you need a larger canvas for the decor setup. For this, take an oval plate and keep one full leaf over it. Add little bit of water, few rocks or pebbles and a tea light stand with a candle.

-Who minds seeing a colorful arrangement with all natural ingredients like this one. In a tall glass add thinly sliced lime and add water. Put in a few leaves of rosemary or lavender for fragrance, and on the top add lemon slices. Place a candle and this is done, this centerpiece will give you a nice aromatic fragrance. It is also a natural bug repellent.

Wine glasses do wonders when it comes to decorating spaces. Select a leaf of your choice, even fern leaves will look good. Place the leaf on a flat surface and place the wine glass upside down. Use more leaves on the foot area and place a candle on the top. This is a perfect setup for a romantic dinner at home.

-You can also use small rocks and pebbles on the bottom of the glass with a fern leaf for a set up like this.

-Place candles randomly in a bunch and just throw in some leaves all around. You can use two or three varieties of them for creating textures and adding a few flowers will look great too.

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