Orange peel Vitamin C face mask for oily and acne prone skin

Make This Vitamin C Loaded Face Mask With Leftover Orange Peels

Orange peel is one of the most powerful ingredient used for beauty purposes. They contain vitamins A, B, and C, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, folate, and magnesium. But do you know that you can make a powerful Vitamin C face pack with the help of the leftover orange peels, which generally go directly in the dustbin.

Vitamin C is very very beneficial for achieving a healthier, brighter and a younger looking skin. And though many vitamin C face mask, gels, creams and capsules are already available in the market, but nothing beats the final results of using a natural stuff.

To make an all natural Vitamin C face pack with the help leftover orange peels, simply follow these steps…

-Wash the orange peels thoroughly with water and pat dry.

-Next sun dry them in a clean plate, remember not to overcrowd the peels in the container.

-Once they dry up completely, grind them in a mixer to for a powder.

-Store this powder in a clean and sterilized container. To increase its shelf life keep it in fridge.

_This powder can be used with different things like honey, gramflour, milk, oatmeal, rose water etc. You can mix it with anything easily available to you.

This mask is super beneficial for oily and acne prone skin. You can also use this mask to remove severe tanning.

Photo credit- Image by macrovector on Freepik

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