4 Ways To Turn Leftover Crayons Into Beautiful Candles

All of you can easily relate to this article. Everyone has tiny bits of wax crayon leftovers at home which cannot be put to use anymore. But those tiny pieces look so pretty that its almost impossible to throw them out. So how to reuse them….well though there are so many other ideas to use them, but one of the best and the one most useful is to turn these small pieces into one large candle. Now who doesn’t use candles, well use them or gift them, choice is yours. Here are a few candle design ideas.

Colored layers– Use a small glass jar for this project and use different colors to create layer one by one. You will have to keep a little patience to do this job as you will have to make sure that the previous layer of the candle is completely dry before proceeding to the other layer otherwise everything will become a mess.

Floating candles– You will have to buy mould to create beautiful shapes like these ones. There are so many different moulds available which can be used to create some really interesting shapes. So next time you think of preparing a floating rangoli with fresh flowers, add a few candles made by reusing candles like in the picture.

Layering with a twist-You can create beautiful candles by layering different colors, but the tilted technique is something you must try. Try this style with bold contrast colors and it will look striking.

Scented candles– You can also use pastel shades or white crayon to create a milky candle like this one. Stick floral petals on the sides of the glass or the cup whichever you are using and then pour the liquid wax. I you want you can also add essential oils to the candles so that they smell better.

Coconut candles– If you throw the coconut shells then you must rethink. They can be an excellent base for your candle making project.

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