6 Very Basic And Simple Mehndi Designs For Modern Women

Simple Mehndi designs are unique and give a modern twist to the traditional heena art. The designs can be abstract or simple finger ones, and there are so many different ways to create them. Here are a few design ideas…

Use simple lines– Simple lines along with some variations in the depth of the lines can be used to create a pattern like this, where finger ring design and the bracelet at the wrist are connected with a lively branch of leaves flowing from one corner to the other.

The bracelet look– If you don’t want to overdo the look then go for a simple design like this. For a modern touch simply fake a half bracelet look with this heena tattoo.

Simple finger designs– When nothing works then an easy and equally simple finger design comes to your rescue.

Watch out for the sides– Remember Priynka Chopra’s hand tattoo, well go a little more bolder with something on those lines like this.

The traditional style– The most easiest of all the design ideas, this style has been in practice practiced since ages. This is something which makes a bold statement and looks super traditional at the same time.

Ring and matching bracelet– Fake a jewellery look with this simple design idea.

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