Free activities for kids for summer holidays

8 Interesting Activities To Try With Kids This Summer

Its boiling outside…..yes boiling is the only word we can think of right now after noticing the current temperature on screen! Well most of the kids are already at home as summer holidays have started a bit early this time. And how to engage them at home is a big task!. But the bigger task is how to manage their time so that they do not waste it by simply watching television all day long. Therefore we have some very interesting activities listed here which the kids will love engaging in, and the best part is that they are free…

Reading– Reading is one habit which one should inculcate early in life. Reading not only hones your language skills, but also open doors to new vision, imagination and creativity. The more you read the more you experience different aspects of life. Therefore its very important for the parents to help their children read new and age appropriate books. These summer holidays tell them to start by reading short stories. You can read a book online for free or offer them interesting books with lots of illustrations and sit with them to read together. It will be fun we bet!

Draw and paint– If your child has a creative side to them then this is what they want. There are lots of videos and online courses available for kids where they can learn different techniques of painting and different forms of arts and crafts. You can also buy different art kits for them which will introduce them to traditional art forms like Madhubani, Lippan art, Worli and many more!

Games and Sports– And no we do not mean video games by saying so….. Summers are at peak and its advisable to stay indoors nowadays. And therefore this is the right time to introduce your kids to indoor games and board games like chess, table tennis and more. And if these games are new to you then watch new videos for free and learn them together. Other board games like Monopoly, Business are good to learn about how to manage money, and Scrabble is good for creating new words.

Learn a new language– There are so many online channels and websites which teach you a language for free. They teach you beginner level syllabus and if the kid is interested then he or she can join regular classes afterwards for the same. But its an excellent way to intriduce your child to a new language and to make out the best of this time.

Learn AI and Robotics– Yes you heard us right! There are free courses available online which will introduce you child to the world of AI to Robotics, Game development and many more! Explore them online.

Create a book– If your kid is a storyteller then go online and create a book on different book publishing websites which are for free. You can also add illustrations to your story by adding the different pictures available on the same website. Once done the website will create a free book for you along with the chosen pictures and your name on it. You can also purchase your book for a nominal amount if you wish to. It will be a memory for a lifetime!

Learn Fireless cooking– This is for all those kids who are always after mothers to offer them something interesting and new. Make your kids learn fireless cooking where they will learn new recipes and how to create dishes without using fire.

Travel for free– This might sound interesting and funny at the same time! But when you are done doing all the activities and want to relax a bit, then do explore various online webcams which will take you around the world and show you real time videos. For example you can visit beaches in Thailand while sipping a cup of coffee, or see ice clad snow mountains of Switzerland while having lunch. Ask the kids which country they want to see the next!

Image reference- Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash (free for commercial use), Original source

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