5 Ways To Reuse Fruit Shells To arrange Flowers

If you are someone who always wonders how and what to do with your fruit shells or leftovers then this article is for you. Its best to recycle and reuse products or at least use the leftovers to their full potential isn’t it. And one such idea is to create a flower vase using the leftover fruit shells. These natural vases look so pretty and they also make sure that their natural aroma stays with you for long. Have a look at some fun ideas to try…..

Green coconut shells– Think twice before throwing the coconut shell the next time you sip on this natural energy drink. Simply add a few colorful flowers and it will look amazing. You can also use it to keep indoor water plants (the ones which grow in water).

Pineapple– Pineapple itself is such a beautiful fruit that we often think as how to use it. Well the picture below will definitely inspire you to do something really creative with it the next time you munch on this fruit.

Watermelon– Watermelon shell is an another thing which can become a great vase for your flowers. Use flowers in different colors and textures to bring the best of this creation.

Orange-And if you want to keep things a little simple then do try an orange. Orange shell will be great to hold small flowers and save this idea for the time when you want to create something small and sweet.

Dried coconut shell– A dried coconut shell is best when you want to give this project a raw look. Do try it.

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