After Virat Kohli, its our Desi global star Priyanka Chopra who has crossed 50 million followers on Instagram. The actress who truly deserves more than this, took to Instagram and Twitter to express her gratitude to fans for their love and support.
“Thank you for being there for me, with me… we’ve come such a long way and have miles to go by God’s grace… much Love to you all.. #50MillionStrong #blessed,” Priyanka wrote while sharing a video compilation of some of her most liked Instagram posts.
But she not only thanked her fans and followers with just a mere thank you post, but as expected she took this opportunity to spread a message and showed us why she is one of the most loved actress of our times.
In a video tilted “Random Acts Of Kidness with PCJ ” she urged her followers to join her in the #KindnessWithPCJ challenge, where people can share their act of kindness to bring in a smile in someone’s life.
“Sorry for the delay. I’ve been traveling but my heart is so full. Thank you to all 50 Million of you for the love and the constant support. 50 million isn’t just about followers, it’s about impact…at least that’s how I see it. It’s so easy to get stuck in our routine, but I was thinking…what do I want to say? How do I use that impact? And then I thought we could do this together, and spread kindness any way we can, big or small. So join me in the #KindnessWithPCJ challenge. I have rounded up 50 random acts of kindness that I think could brighten someone’s day. Use the hashtag #KindnessWithPCJ so I can follow along on your RAK’s, and let’s show just how powerful #50MillionStrong is. Thank you for being kind to me” she wrote.
These are the 50 points of kindness which Priyanka Chopra Jonas included in the list, and we wish that the parents read out these points to their kids and encourage them to participate in the act of kindness in any form.