The Color Block Trend For Winters

Color blocking is a hot trend right now. But its not just simple color blocking which we are talking about, but picking up colors totally contrast on the color wheel which is in trend right now. But you can choose the best thing according to your taste and preferences, and these tricks will help you follow this trend this winter….

Trendy Overcoat– For a safe and easy pick you can take help of a color blocked overcoat which will sort you out for major occasions. When you are not sure of matching the colors or run out of clothes, simply wear this piece over your regular denim and top and you will be good to go.

Dress to impress– Don’t pack your vibrant summer dresses till the time they are not too breezy to wear. You can easily pair them up with a vibrant overcoat like this. Wear strikingly contrast colors to color block perfectly. Also do not forget the footwear, well it should compliment too.

Go bold with the sweater– This winter pick pull-overs and sweaters in bright and bold colors and match them with equally vibrant and contrast bottoms and footwear.

Layer in style– Layering is very very important when you want to feel cozy and look stylish during winters. So here is a tip, use different colors while layering and you will definitely rock this look.

Simple trick– Well you can create a color block look with just two things in hand. Wear your regular denim and top, and use a bright color jacket or overcoat and a contrast shade footwear to go with this look. You don’t have to necessarily match the colors of these two items, you can use different shades for the jacket and the footwear as well.

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