Things To Do And Not To Do On Dhanteras

It’s Dhanteras today and most of you must be super busy in doing preparation for the upcoming festival. We wish that this festival brings in a lot of happiness and prosperity to your home, and therefore here are a few do’s and don’ts you need to watch out for today’s celebration.

Don’t buy black stuff– Now black is not a good color for this festival, therefore do not buy things which are black in color.

Don’t buy gifts– This day should be dedicated to purchase stuff for your home so that prosperity and wealth comes to your home rather than going to someone-else.

Don’t lend money– Money lending is a sort of sin on this day as you focus on attracting wealth rather than giving it out.

Buy Broomstick– Broomstick is considered to get rid of all the negative energies out of the home. So on this day do not forget to buy a Broomstick.

Buy utensils– Utensils made of steel are the best to buy on this day. So if you are planning to buy something for the kitchen then this is the day. But do not buy items made of glass, aluminum and iron. Especially, Iron utensils should not be bought home on this day.

Get a pack of salt– Purchasing salt on this day is considered auspicious too. Use this salt to prepare food on Diwali. On the day of Diwali use a little bit of this salt while mopping the house to get rid of all the negative forces present.

Image reference- Pinterest

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