We discussed in length how to recycle or re purpose old T-Shirts in our previous article, now here is a video showing you how to do it practically. So create a multicolored headband or a stylishContinue reading
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Recycling Old T-shirts
Recycling is always a good thing, especially when it comes to using your old garments. Here are few ideas to turn your old T-shirts into other ideas like pieces of home furnishing, jewelry etc. TurnContinue reading
Re-purpose Old Suitcase
Over the period of time everything eventually becomes old and the desire to use it almost fades. But this does not mean that we should throw them away. Old things can always be re-purposed andContinue reading
Teacup Planters
We generally end up having single pieces of tea cups in different designs, as they don’t last for long. Generally such sets are hardly used and they just keep lying in our cupboards. But hereContinue reading
Recycling Old CD- Project Ideas
Last time while clearing up racks, I found that we have a good stock of old CD’s which are of no use to us now. Obviously since everything is available on internet the charm of buying themContinue reading