Teacup Planters

We generally end up having single pieces of tea cups in different designs, as they don’t last for long. Generally such sets are hardly used and they just keep lying in our cupboards. But here are few ideas which you will definitely like to try at home, especially if you are a plant lover and like to grow plants in different pots and containers, then this project is for you… You can use more creative ideas to go ahead with them. Just keep one thing in mind, that the cups don’t have drainage holes and since they are delicate to handle, use less pressure while drilling a hole in it. Also keep in mind that plants need less drainage and water are best for them. Plants like cactus, aloe vera, snake plant etc are good to be used.

Cactus and Aloe– Growing fuss free plants like aloe vera and cactus is a great idea as they do not need much water and do not need much care too. Just watering them slightly will work. But remember to place few pebbles or stones at the bottom of the cup while planting the plant, and then fill it up with soil, this will help in providing a proper drainage and will create a barrier between any standing water and the roots of the plant.

Grow lemons for fragrance– Well if you love the refreshing fragrances around you, then this is a great idea to start up with. So say no to buying those expensive lemon home sprays and essential oils and grow your own plant.

Succulents– You can grow different varieties of succulents too. These plants are totally for decorative purpose and look great too. Very low on maintenance too.

Miniature tea cup garden– A wide mouth cup is perfect for this, as a larger space is needed. You can mix a variety of small plants to create a landscape like this. Plants with leaves and few flowering plants are good to mix. Miniature stuff from the doll house can be a good addition too.

Hanging Pots– Create a hanging garden like this with the cup and saucers. You can stick the saucer to the cup by a glue.

Herb garden– Create a little herb garden for your kitchen. Grow your own organic herbs at home like cilantro, chives, parsley etc.

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