4 Ways To Use Regular Household Items For Diwali Decor

This Diwali you can think of skipping buying expensive decor items for a change. Instead look out for different options to decorate your home with the existing decor pieces kept at home. There are so many things which every household has but we do not see them as potential decor pieces. But now you can easily identify them, and infact you will think of many more ideas after reading the listed ideas here. Here they are….

Ceramic pickle jars– Old ceramic jars will be your first friends for this Diwali decor. Be it the traditional Marta ban (as it is called), or the blue and white ceramic pottery, you can use whichever is available. Use a lot of colorful flowers and even leaves in different shapes to fill these pots and place them next to each other. You can also spread few flower petals near to these jars on the ground, to make the set up look more attractive.

Brass Utensils– Most of us have these traditional brass and copper utensils at home which are excellent to give a traditional touch to your home. Use marigold flower strings in different colors to decorate a corner with these two elements, and place some real plants next to them.

Candles and tea light– Using candle stands, lamps and tea light holders all in one aet up will make them look more powerful all together. Do not forget to use real flowers, as Diwali Decor is incomplete without the use of flowers. Use candles in different sizes and colors to make the decor look more colorful.

Take help of wine glasses– Looking for an easy and super quick Diwali decor idea, well then try this. Use the wine glasses upside down and place colorful flowers inside them. Now place tea light candles over them and enjoy a perfect Diwali dinner.

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