5 Puff Sleeve Blouse Designs To Match Your Saree Look

Puff sleeve blouses not only add a very feminine touch to the blouse design, but are also known to add a very dramatic look when augmented properly. Here are a few puff sleeve blouse designs for inspiration….

Half gathered sleeve– If you are looking for highly puffed up sleeve then get the gathers at the entire cap area of the sleeve like in this picture. The close gathers will give a good puffed up sleeve.

Both side gathers– You can also go for gathers on the cap and the hem area of the sleeve of your blouse. The best way to secure the hemline of such design is to secure it will a band or a cuff at the bottom.

The cowl effect– You can also use cowls to create a puff on the sleeve. This type of sleeve is generally termed as Leg-o-mutton sleeve where there is puff at the cap area and then gradually tapers at the hemline. Though there are several variations to this sleeve, but the basic concept remains like this.

Half puff- You can also mix the puff sleeve with a regular sleeve like this.

Peter pan style-You can also mix and match puff sleeve with different collar styles like this one. Peter pan collar and puff sleeve go very well together and add a feminine touch to the silhouette.

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