Natural Homemade Moisturizers For A Healthy Skin

Moisturizing skin is equally important as cleaning and toning it.

A good skin health is achieved with a combination of these three steps in which moisturizing is very important.

Here are few remedies for achieving a beautiful skin in an all natural way…..

Coconut Oil Cream Coconut oil has anti ageing properties which helps in achieving a flawless skin which is free from wrinkles and blemishes. It is also a great moisturizer which provides a smooth skin and tightens the pores.

To make a coconut moisturizer mix 1/2 cup coconut oil with 1 tsp liquid vitamin E and few drops of lavender essential oil. Mix and store in a jar. You can even skip other ingredients and just use coconut oil for a good massage, but adding these ingredients certainly helps.

Another recipe goes like this… Mix 1/2 cup coconut oil with 2 tsp almond oil, add 1 tsp cocoa butter and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix everything in a container and whip until everything blends in and becomes light and fluffy. Store in a clean jar.

One more thing you can always give essential oil a miss and add a one which suits our skin.

Aloe Vera Cream In a melter melt put 1/2 cup beewax, 1/4th cup coconut oil and 1/4th cup almond oil and melt in everything. Once done pour the mixture in a grinder and let it cool completely. In 1 cup aloe vera gel mix few drops of our favorite essential oil. Now turn on the grinder and slowly pour the aloe mixture while doing so through the opening of the jar lid. It will turn fluffy. The white moisturizing cream is ready.

Some natural home ingredients which are great as a moisturizers and can be used directly are as follows….

Buttermilk It is an excellent exfoliant and therefore takes out all the impurities of the skin while providing nourishment too. Take a cotton ball, dip it into buttermilk and apply all over. Let it dry and wash off with lukewarm water.

Honey It is especially good for dry skin, but you can otherwise use it too. It is a good antibacterial and full of antioxidants. It is also great as an anti ageing and a great moisturizer which helps in soothing and bringing a glow to the skin.

Aloe Vera It has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduces skin inflammation and is a great natural moisturizer. Simply peel of the stems and apply the gel directly to the skin. Leave until dries and wash off.


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